This morning I met up with Mike from
They had a special where they give me two months free of property managment plus waive the fees. Also the monthly fee is reduced so it turns out almost cheaper to let them manage the property until the end of the year. They also will find and screen the renters for me.
It makes a big difference who you get. I was working every day for at least two weeks after Damian and Megan left. This time Mike asked me how much time I spent cleaning after Zach and Kim and I said none. They couldn't believe how clean they left it. I'll wait for a good couple if I have to. Don't allow some slobs in your home. Too much work to clean up after them.Too expensive to fix everything too. Worth it to wait!
I still have a few little projects I will complete before they get really busy showing the place. Pick up the leaves out of the yard. Have to work on the shower doors. Maybe recaulk the shower. Small things.
Thunder Pass Video
During my summer vacation/road trip I spent some time in Colorado. I
managed to catch up with my brother from another mother Jerry. Jerry took
me out to Am...
3 months ago
UPDATE. I wanted to hire these people so I wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of being a landlord but I fear all i have done is shift the hassle from the tennants to a corporation with layer upon layor of incompotence. Nobody is able to tell me what is going on. They leave messages that they have lost my garage door opener. They can't explain a contract. They gave a contract that I would have never agreed to. I have a tennant living in my home, but I don't think he has a contract for the month.
ReplyDeleteAlso, email them. See if they ever get back to you.
ReplyDeleteIf you have ever seen the movie 'Idiocracy', you may have an idea as to what it is like dealing with the management at
ReplyDeleteThey saw no need to replace my garage door opener because my tenant has not complained enough. Well, they complained to me and I am complaining but they still wouldn't replace because they didn't have my brand in 'the box'. Apparently, they just toss your door opener in a big box and then pull one out when someone rents your house. Reprogram it to work. Someone, somewhere has my opener and they don't have a replacement on hand. They see nothing wrong with this practice.
I also started getting charged service fees. When I complained that it hadn't been two months they said that it doesn't matter if the house vacant or not. The clock started then. Imagine, paying management fees on an empty house. I had enough of their nickel and dime tactics. Requested that we terminate this contract. They advised that it had to be done via certified mail. I sent them a certified letter the next day requesting that this contract terminate. They state it takes 30 days to terminate, so I will just keep you posted. They state it takes 35 days to return my deposits and my tenants deposits to me. Keep you posted again.
You remind me of Milton Waddams from Office Space My stapler ... Quit crying about your garage door opener!
ReplyDeleteMr. Anonymous from Blow renter. This attitude is exactly why I FIRED YOU.
ReplyDeleteAny wonder why you get nothing but ones and fives. Ones are from the public, fives are from blow renter.
One big difference between myself and Milton. Milton had his stapler. You were entrusted with my property and refused to replace it when you lost it. You also lied about it to the BBB saying that it was promptly replaced. These lies and juvenile attitudes were WHY you were FIRED.
WOW! I'm aghast! I'm moving from NY to Az and was looking for a home in the Scottsdale area for me and my family and found a few listings with GoRenter, and decided to check up on the company. If 1% of what I've read is true, my first thought is "Thank the Lord I dodged a bullet with these clowns!". My second thought is, HOW haven't people banded together to crush this apparent collection of modern-day bandits???
ReplyDeleteGood luck, FraSiec, both on the trails and getting well rid of these people.
I have used GoRenter in the past and they did a fine job. Maybe I just got lucky!
ReplyDeleteI received my November rent for blow It was 200 bucks short this month. $50 for the fee (the two free months began before they put someone in my house) + $150 cancellation fee. I specifically asked if there were any such fees and never they never mentioned any. I don't see where any are mentioned in the paperwork. They 'told' me to send a certified letter giving thirty days advanced notice to avoid fees. Wonder what other fees I would have incurred had I requested Immediate control?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I still have not yet received 'our' (mine and my tenants) deposits back.
I am pretty patient guy. Almost too soft. Wonder how they can deal with anybody?
I think I have the worst experiance ever with You will know their real face when you go thru an eviction.
ReplyDeleteThey will charge you all court fees including some made up ones such as Rekey $150, Inspection $250, Doc fees $150, Court appearance fees, eviction day appearance fees, etc....
On top of all that, they keep ALL non-refundable deposits!!!
Even worse that that, if the tenant owes them late fee, guest what?, they will charge them to you!!!
Key fee. Yeah, they charged me a key fee in the beginning. I already had three sets of keys and they still went ahead and did it. "It's a nominal fee".
ReplyDeleteI think they kept the cleaning fee too. How do they feel entitled to that?
I posted ads on and Got lots of responses, but I had potential tenants back out when they heard I was dealing with Blow renter. One woman told me that the guy wouldn't even show the house unless he texted her before. She didn't even know what than meant.
I am lucky I got anyone at all in there since I was dealing with blow renter. Ended up getting my tenants from craigslist in there. They are happy we are getting rid of blow renter too.
It's like the garage door opener. Tenants want it, I want it, they lost it but refuse to do anything about it. Nothing. Not even a "were sorry". Just a "shut up about it, you can easily replace it."
Over 35 days and still no deposits returned. Gotta contact blow renter again. They don't know anything though. All ignorant over there.
ReplyDeleteGot in touch with them and it turns out they have 35 days from the date of termination to give the money back. This really means that you should expect your money within 65 days of when you give your 30 day termination of services notice. Don't know why you can't take over immediately because they charged me 150 cancellation fee anyway. Would like to know what they would charge if I took over immediately?
ReplyDeleteIs it, or,,
Read other sites to see their history, too many same scenarios of how they screw people over. What ever pads their pockets not yours.
They might hide their crime better now. Watch their accounting!@$#!
I rented a home in Litchfield Park, AZ from The lease expired at the end of Feb, 2009. I sent my notice to vacation in Dec. 2008 and indicated I would be out by the end of Feb 2009. I thought a security deposit was in their possession, but turned out I was wrong and was garnished for Feb 2009's rent for an amount 3x the rent amount owed. Weird thing is, Gorenter sent a letter indicating they were not managing the home as of Feb 18th 2009 and filed for garnishment on that same day??? I called to see who should receive the rent and keys. They never returned my call.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't aware of the court date, so I didn't show up. (Nice of them to tell me. I was never served!!!!) The garnishment has been completely paid and now (20 months later) Gorenter is asking for rent for March 2009 (1 month past the expiration of the lease) for the following reason:
"Your lease ended in February, you turned in your 30 day notice, but you didn’t paid February so you were sent to legal in the middle of February, you didn’t turn in keys, we received the judgment in March and that is the reason why you were charge March rent."
I have a ledger from Gorenter dated July 2009 (five months after the lease expired) with no additional charges for March 2009. They sent me a new ledger in Oct 2010 showing the charge.
Is this legal? What can I expect in another 20 months????
Sorry - meant vacate, not vacation!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think they are the brightest, but they are bold. Challenge them in court any chance you get. I am sure a lot of what they pull is not 100% legal. I am going to buy my home a garage door opener to replace the one they stole form me and send them a bill. I will post the results.
ReplyDeletebtw, they do hold the security deposit. that's how it worked with me. I got it from them (as a landlord) after I fired them. It took awhile, but I got it. Not much of a deposit though, as they charged the tenant some big fees for something.
ReplyDeleteI plan on challenging this and calling the AG's office to report their accounting practice.
ReplyDeleteI will let you know what happens.
Anyone ever take action legally against gorenter? I am getting screwed by them as well.
ReplyDeleteI worked at gorenter for awhile as a leasing agent and they are terrible. The current owners are all family of the previous owner Mark Bosworth who defrauded so many investors and is now banned from doing any form of real estate in the state of AZ. They nickel and dime EVERYTHING and love it when tenants pay late so they can collect late fees. You can go to maricopa county court records and see that they have numerous active civil lawsuits pending against them.. they're always headed to court because someone is suing them. I think they will get shut down eventually but it's pretty amazing they haven't been yet.
ReplyDeleteGuess what.....I do believe they have just evolved into AZ Home Renters LLC -it sounds like a very similar company having the same old accounting "style". Also the same family connection. check them out.