I don't see them on south mountain, Phoenix mountain preserve nor Red Mountain. I guess they like the flow of the trails at McDowell park. Pemberton is almost like riding a dirt road except there is no danger of being killed by a vehicle and you are immersed in desert scenery far from black top.

Anyway, I don't want to sound like a roadie hater. I don't mind them. Some of my best friends are roadies. In any case, they gave me something to blog about. Any roadie reading this, you are invited to a post ride brew on me. Just smile once in awhile at your fellow biker. Peace.
All in all it was a great day to ride. I took the Outcast29 because a single speed is all you need for Pemberton. You also don't need any suspension for this trail. Thought I would use the 29er while it still has the small sprocket in front. It performed flawlessly. Thinking about using the Outcast when I finally make the treck to Point Sublime. Single speeds are extremely reliable and from what I've read, the trail is not that difficult. Just long. This bike fits too. The old GSX left my back aching and saddle sore after riding this trail. No ill effects after using the Outcast29. The bike must fit me perfectly. The seat isn't bad either. At least it's better than I had on the Mesa GSX.

You pictures are a lot better now that the view is more down the trail. Also, I just realized that you can watch more than one at time. I watched the crash several times and still did not see how it happened. It just did. Did you do something different as I am able to post without it going to e-mail...Dad
ReplyDeleteNo crash, just dropped the phone. You weren't the only one who thought that.
ReplyDeleteNo, nothing different. Google may have been had a problem with their servers when you tried before. Who knows, but you got it done this time.
Whoa, I thought you wiped out too. Glad to hear it wasn't an actual crash.
ReplyDeleteA crash on Pemberton would probably hurt my pride the most. It's a pretty easy trail, but I like it.
ReplyDeleteoh, now I see what I was doing wrong. You have to cllick on the comments rathers than the little letter. If you click on the comments, it goes to this format, and if you click on the little letter it goes to e-mail. Its not obvious to me. Maybe so obvious you couldn't explain it to me. Dad
ReplyDeleteNo Dad. Not obvious to me. I have a window I write in and click the 'Post Comment' button. I don't see a little letter. You'll have to show me when you get down here. You know something I don't.
ReplyDeleteneato shadow chasing!
ReplyDeleteNow, I have a window to write in too. This (it) wasn't here before. Now, its acting like its supposed to.
ReplyDeleteDad - You on a different computer? Using a different browser? I don't know.
ReplyDeleteSam - thanks. Anyone like mt bike videos should click on the u2metoo link. He's really put some effort into them. I just turn on the camera then post them. Sam really makes them look professional.